Hubert, Desah and Landustrie join forces
Landustrie Sneek BV, Hubert Stavoren BV and Desah BV will continue jointly from Sneek from 2024. The Landustrie premises, on Pieter Zeemanstraat, where Desah has been housed since its inception, will be expanded to include Hubert's Stavoren-based staff and equipment. Joining forces at one location will enable us to serve the entire water market even faster and more efficiently.
And then it was Noardling
Our new name Noardling fits well with who we are and where we come from. In choosing this name, we listened carefully to what our customers, partners and colleagues find important: staying close to our roots and showing what we are proud of. Noardling means "Northerner" in Frisian. This emphasises our connection with the North and Friesland, where our roots lie. Noardling is also an honest, down-to-earth name. We are not proud, but "grutsk" - a down-to-earth pride. We don't need to boast, we let our work speak for us. The name Noardling shows that we move forward, but never forget our roots. This is what makes us strong and ready for the future.

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"Contributing every day to cleaner water and a more sustainable future gives me satisfaction. Working in wastewater technology means I am part of the solution to one of the environmental issues of our time!"

Joining forces
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