Desah, Hubert and Landustrie continue as Noardling: new name, familiar craftsmanship

The story of Noardling

Discover Noardling brands and products

Desah Logo White

Wastewater Solutions

Hubert Logo White

Water Screening

Landustrie Logo White

Water treatment

Noardling's professionals
develop heritage

Helsingborg Recolab Sweden
Recolab Icon

RecoLab in Oceanhamnen, Helsingborg (S)

The RecoLab is a test/research facility with a unique innovative and sustainable wastewater treatment plant. A concept that contributes to increased circulation of water, nutrients and energy.

Future-proof and values-driven.

More about us


Beautiful and memorable. We stand for who we are, what we create and what we do. With our eyes on tomorrow, we now put our shoulders to the work for today.

Our Heritage

Our Heritage

We put our knowledge and skills at the service of our heritage: our future-proof water technology, which future generations can build on.

The Whole

The Whole

As a whole, we transcend the sum of our parts and enhance each other's talents. Through social connection, togetherness, and a spirit of helpfulness, we stand as one!

Upcoming events

What's coming up soon? You'll find out in the timeline!

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